Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Desu to be; is; equals

Present....plain...............da...........................dewa nai
................polite..........desu.........................dewa arimasen
Past........plain...........datta.............................dewa nakatta
...............polite..........deshita..........dewa arimasen deshita

Kore wa hon desu. This is a book.
Akiyama-san wa sensei desu. Mr. Akiyama is a teacher.
Otenki ga ii desu. The weather is good.
Ano hito wa, kinô byôki deshita. He was sick yesterday.


Sarah S. said...

la la la... you deffanatley need some new blogs and express yourself girl!!! lol :]

Sarah S. said...

Gir: I love the little tacos. I love them good!

Sarah S. said...

Gir: I love this show!
Gir: Tell me a story about giant pigs!
Zim: Come, GIR. Let us rain some doom down upon the heads of our doomed enemies.
Gir: I'm gonna sing the Doom Song now.
Gir: Doom doom doom...
Dib: My head's not big! Why does everyone say that?
Zim: Good question. I don't care!
[a mystic escape portal is in Dib's own forehead]
Zim: There! That should be wide enough.
Dib: What about me? How do I get back?
Zim: Good question! BUT I DON'T CARE!
Dib: You can't make me look! I'll just shut my eyes.
Zim: Oh, you'll open them. You have to breath sometime.
Dib: No, I - Wait... What do eyes have to do with breathing?
Zim: What are you watching?
Gir: Angry monkey.
Zim: That's one horrible monkey!
Gir: Mmhmm.

Sarah S. said...

Zim: Gir! Come to the observatory!
[Gir's head pops out of ceiling]
Gir: Yeees?
Zim: What have you done to the telescope?
Gir: Nothin'...
Zim: You haven't touched it? Something is broken and it's not your fault?
Gir: I know, I'm scared too!
Gir: Awww... I wanted to explode.
Gir: Somebody needs a hug!

Sarah S. said...

yes another comment... i cant check out that one site you want me to... its blocked at school... blah but i will check at home... lol :]

dbigham10r1 said...

ok that's enough gir quotes. But yeah get another blog about yourself.

jem said...

omg. have you seen the other comments on this post? so disrespectful. tsk