Monday, November 27, 2006


0 ZEro, rei
1 iCHI
2 ni
3 san
4 shi, yon
5 go
6 roku
7 shiCHI, NAna
8 haCHI
9 kyū, ku
10 jū

100 hyaku
1000 sen
1,000,000 hyaKUman

Numbers above 10:
11 jū-iCHi (10 + 1)
20 ni-jū (2 + 10)
64 roku-jū-yon ( 6 + 10 + 4 )
The same pattern repeats

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

numbers, numbers, numbers, swirling through my head, lalalalalala.

i like the number 2. it sounds like "knee." or at least i think that it does. i might be wrong with the pronunciation. i usually am. oh well. i still like it. it's like, i have 2! what? you have knee? i know, i can see your knee retard!