Monday, November 27, 2006

Pronunciation 2

Double Vowels:
Hold the vowel sound longer
ex. Tōkyō O sound is held longer
(can be indicated by a macron, circumflex, the vowel written twice, or a 'u' after the vowel)

Double consanants
Hold sound longer, or pronounce sound twice
ex. yukkuri

**It is very imporatnt to pronounce these, it could change the meaning of the word!!**

Y between a consanant and vowel:
the y acts as a glide: all one syllable
ex Kyu like the cu in "cute"
Tōkyō is NOT pronounced To-Ki-o

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh. MY. God!!!!!! I have been saying Tokyo wrong my whole life!!!!!! Are you going to murder me in my sleep? Cause you were all like "never never never" say it like to-ki-oh. And I thought, OMG!!!!!!!!! I dont really want to die, you know.